Three phones showing screenshots of a mobile app

inteer onboarding screens

September 24 - 26, 2021
Sara Choi and Jin Park
UX designer
Problem space
Current situation
As university students, we're a few years removed from the high school experience but still remember the stress of needing to find volunteer work. In a time when the world could use a little more kindness, our team at CoffeeTalk Studio wanted to create an engaging way for young people to reconnect with their communities through sincere acts of service.
Volunteering is a great way to gain personal and professional experience while making positive changes in the community. What can we do to help students struggling to find opportunities that work with their schedules and align with their skills and interests?
Ideation and brainstorming
We jumped into brainstorming using virtual sticky notes on Figma and affinity mapped them into categories, including jobs to be done.

Our brainstorming board

Information architecture
With a clearer mental model in mind, we constructed an information architecture diagram for a visual representation of the app's overall structure and started wireframing

inteer information hierarchy

Screen design and prototyping
19 hours (and many cups of coffee) later, we had an interactive Figma prototype ready for testing and filming.​​​​​​​

High-fidelity wireframes

See inteer in action here or check out our project on Devpost!

inteer mobile app walkthrough

Aligning our schedules definitely a challenge, especially in the early stages when collaboration was essential even with a 13-hour time difference. We took turns sleeping and working in shifts until the homestretch in the final few hours, but our workflow was unbelievably productive and we couldn't be happier with how inteer turned out.
We wanted to take the time to encourage underclassmen to put themselves out there and enter hackathons for the experience. Even though we felt slightly discouraged when we realized designers were far outnumbered by programmers, we were glad we entered anyway to see what we could accomplish on our own.
Some photos from awards night:
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